Granular Drossing Fluxes - Jinzhou Sata Fused Fluxes and New Materials Factory.
Jinzhou Sata Fused Fluxes and New Materials Factory.
Granular Drossing Fluxes
Granular Drossing Fluxes
Granular Drossing Fluxes

Description of Granular Drossing Fluxes

Compare with the powder drossing(Deslagging) fluxes. Granular drossing fluxes is a kind of eco-friendly fluxes with the more better effections. With the effective ingredients and processing techonology. Which make the fluxes more active and more efficient in application.

Application of Granular Drossing Fluxes

Used to remove the oxidation impurity
Can be used on secodary aluminium both with primary aluminium to remove dross
In granular form and less emission

Advantage of Granular Drossing Fluxes

Good performance on drossing.Dry dross. Less metal in
Less dosage then powder fluxes

Specification of Granular Drossing Fluxes

Appearance: off-white granular
Shelf life: 12 months

Package of Granular Drossing Fluxes

Packed in 5kg (PE), 25kg (PP), 1000kg bags or customerized
Stored in dry, well-ventilated place, and avoid direct sunlight

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